Monday, April 13, 2009

Week 2 Day 5

I had a problem with what to do about the ribcage. But, one of the students had shown me how to peel birch bark and as I was backing out of my driveway I saw a huge area of birch bark without any knots. I peeled it and the class and I carved a ribcage out of it. The skeleton was completed and everything worked out.
I am sad to leave.
I thank Mr. Sullivan for all his help. It was really great that the project worked out so well. At the end of it, I am sure that I had no business doing this project in the first place. I had never carved anything and some of the most critical problems with construction of the skeleton were unknown and unplanned for.
Of course, now, I am an expert and can do it again.
I am very thankful for this experience.

Week 2 Day 3 and 4

Testing has taken the students from me for the last couple of days. I have been putting the skeleton together and I finally found a big birch base that is doing well. I plan to have Friday be the last day.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Week 2 Day 2

Testing kept all of the students from working today. I am adding a few things and making small adjustment. I still don't know what to use as a base. It would help if I had one, especially when we attempt to attach the ribs.

Week 2 Day 1

The hands and feet are done. I still haven't found a base for it. Everything looks great. We need to attach the feet. The students seem very excited about the finished project. I have also met with the principal several times. She is interested in the project as well.
Everyone is treating me with kindness and they are happy that I am still around.

Friday Day 5

I am hoping that I can extend the project into the next week. We have made great progress. I am going to put the hands and feet together by weaving wire through the wood pieces the students have prepared.

I am worried about finding a base.

I solved the riddle of how to keep the shoulders up. I will be using a hook and ring tool that is as big as the shoulder should be, so we will weave those together with wire too. Some students have been done with their part for a day or so and they have moved on to other things. Many of the students are really into the project.

Today we stacked the vertebra on the threaded metal post that will act as the body's axis. We have both collar bones, the skull, both scapula, both ulna and radius but only one humerus. Same for the legs, all the tibias and fibulas, but only one femur.

I feel confident we can finish next week, even though the students will be testing.

Day 4

Today was a long work day. It feels like we have all mastered the tools. There is a group of students who seem completely disinterested. I am checking in with them, but not being pushy. I have a lot of things to pick up from Lowes tonight. The class energy is high and positive for the most part.
I kinda got in trouble with the nighttime custodian. We have been leaving a mess of wood chips out back. I told him I take responsibility and promised to clean up.

Day 3

I think everyone is buying into the project after today. My jigsaw is a big disappointment, I should have gotten a different kind of saw. I finally revealed to the class that I have never carved anything out of any kind of wood before. I wanted to be honest with them. We have completed a number of bones, and everyone can see how it could work. I am having a very good time and I am trying to remember everyone's name. The skull (which I was very worried about) is coming along well. Today I drilled out the eyes. The student who volunteered to do the skull is feeling disheartened. She asked me to do some work on it.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day 2 at Effie

Day 2
The energy picked up in class today. Despite the fact that we have few tools, one of the teachers lent us a hatchet that has been very helpful. The students are very into the project and I am feeling confident that we can have the bones all formed by Friday. I am concerned that we will not have the time to put the skeleton together. I am hoping I can extend my stay here to finish the project. I feel really welcomed by the students and I really appreciate how hard they are working and their enthusiasm for the product.
I started the review for the unit test for 1st and 2nd period. The students seem to be struggling with the material, but we are getting through it together.
Tomorrow we will finish the review, I am going to work on the skull of the skeleton and see if I can get it going. The student who chose to do the skull is feeling a bit lost on what to do. The sternum is done and the ribs look like they will work out. I am looking forward to coming back tomorrow.

Day 1 at Effie Kochrine

Today went great. The project of making a skeleton out of birch wood was accepted well. Today students chose their chunk of wood, and we began carving them. I feel very insecure about whether or not we will be able to finish the project by Friday. I bought a jigsaw, but it is not as strong as what we need. Students are currently using the chisels and hammers to work the wood. The skull is the most intimidating part, followed closely by the pelvis.
My mentor at Effie is Mr. Sullivan. He has been very kind and supportive. I really appreciate that. The students have made me feel very welcome and I am really enjoying my time here.